Slike stranica

Alcott, L.. M. Jo's boys, and how they turned out; a sequel to Little men.

- Les quatre filles du docteur Marsch; [tr.] par P. J. Stahl. 188-.]

Aleksandri, V. Ballades et chants populaires de la Roumanie, avec une introd. par A. Ubicini. 1855.

Amadis de Gaula. Amadis de Gaule, par A. Pagès. 1868.

Andreievich, Maj. V. Révélations sur l'assassinat d'Alexandre II. par le major Osman Bey. Arnold, H. P. Memoir of Jonathan Mason Warren, M. D.

Atlantic club-book; sketches in prose and verse; by various authors. Vol. I. 1834.

Atlantic souvenir; a Christmas and New Year's offering, 1828. [1827.]

Axon, W: E. A. Annals of Manchester; a chronological record to the end of 1885. Babeau, A. Les artisans et les domestiques d'autrefois.

Ballet, G. La langage intérieur.

Barrett, W: A. English glees and part-songs; in

quiry into their historical development. Bayet, C: Précis de l'histoire de l'art. (Bibl. de l'Enseignement des Beaux Arts.) Bell, W: Papers rel. to the regalia of Scotland [including True account of the preservation of the regalia of Scotland by Sir G: Ogilvie]. 1829. (Bannatyne Club.)

Bennett, A. J. The story of the 1st Mass. Light Battery attached to the 6th Army Corps; a glance at events in the armies of the Potomac and Shenandoah, 1861-64.

Bernard, F. La gazette de Cythère, pub. par O.
Uzanne, avec notice historique. 1881.
Besant, W. Children of Gibeon. (Franklin Sq.


"A novel about poor London, written this time with the purpose of enlisting the sympathies of the novelist's audience with work girls. The style is good, there are many witticisms and amusing little sarcasms in it, and it will be enjoyed not only by all who can appre ciate pictures of the Millais and DuMaurier style, but by all whose ears are open to tales of reality and pity." -Pall Mall budget, Nov. 18.

Bevan, G. P. Royal relief atlas; with physical, political, and statistical descriptions.

Beyra, A. Mademoiselle Providence.

"Il y a là de bonne humeur, de l'entrain, et cet entrain n'exclut pas la distinction. Agréable lecture en somine." Rev. pol. et lit., Aug. 21.

Blackburn, H: Randolph Caldecott; a personal memoir of his early art career; illust.

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"Tells much of the life of the artist for the few years it covers, and much of the daily details of his work. The book has only one serious fault, that there is not enough of it."- Nation, Nov. 25.

Bonnières, R. de, (pseud. Janus). Le baiser de Maïna.

"Prose très vivante, très colorée. Les exploits d'une danseuse ne sont qu'un pretexte à faire connaitre l'Inde brahmanique telle qu'elle est aujourd'hui sous la domination anglaise. M. de Bonnières n'a pas prétendu cependant peintre l'Inde tout entière avec ses langues, ses religions, ses races, ses mœurs, ses monuments, et ses aspects naturels si multiples et si dissemblables. Il s'est placé à Benarès, puisqu'il fallait choisir. Le décor, les accessoires, les personnages, tout est interessant." Rev. pol. et lit., 21 avr.

Boubée, S. Mlle. Rébus.

"Le comble de l'invraisemblance, ce récit fantasque; mais il est divertissant." Rev. pol. et lit., 11 aug. Briggs, C: A: Messianic prophecy, the prediction of the fulfilment of redemption through the Messiah; a critical study of the messianic passages of the Old Testament in the order of their development.

"He has produced the first English text-book on the subject which a modern teacher can use. Often as one may put a note of interrogation in the margin, one is delighted to recognise the historical spirit which breathes throughout the book. The basis is formed by a new and philological translation of the sources," which are treated in chronological order. The superstructure is formed by explanations which reproduce the ideas of each prophecy, comparing them with those of other prophecies, the leading idea being summed up in a comprehensive paragraph, numbered so as to form a part of a series of consecutive sections. All technical matter is thrown into footnotes, so as to adapt the book to the wants of unlearned as well as learned readers."— T.K. Cheyne in the Academy, Oct. 30.

Brown, F. H. Harvard University in the war of 1861-65; record of services by the gradu

ates and students.

Bullen, A. H. Lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age.


"All scholars know how very imperfectly, even after a good century of rumaging, the exquisite minor poetry of the Elizabethan period is known even to themselves, much more to the general public. The lesser works of the great poets have been fairly drawn upon in selections. Mr. Oliphant, Mr. Linton, Dr. Hannah have made more recondite work accessible, and the reprinting exertions of men like the late Mr. Collier, like Dr. Grosart, like Professor Arber and others have made many minor worthies and collections more or less known. By searching them still more critically, and by adding to the results of the searching further siftings from a great many volumes on which Mr. Arber has not yet drawn, Mr. Bullen has got together a most delightful sheaf of songs, not a tenth of which is known, even to men well acquainted with the period, and nine-tenths of which displays in the most vivid colours that indescribable and exquisite quality of artlessness and woodnote wild' in which, except in Blake, Burns, and Shelley, with a very few touches elsewhere, the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries have been usually barren, admirable as has been in other respects their contribution to our poetical literature."-Saturday rev., Nov. 20.

Burnaby, Col. F: G. Our radicals; a tale of love
and politics; ed., with preface, by J. P.
Hughes. (Harper's handy ser.)
Burnham, S. M. Precious stones in nature, art,

and literature.

Bynner, E. L. Agnes Surriage.
Cammaille-Saint-Aubin, M.C. L'ami du peuple;

comédie. 1793.

Carlyle, T: Early letters; ed. by C: E. Norton.

2 v.

"Carlyle's Carlyle, or Mr. Froude's Carlyle, or Professor Norton's Carlyle which of these three is the true Thomas'? Some Carlyle of the future may perhaps construct from all three a portrait of his great predecessor (like one of Mr. Galton's composite photographs) which shall impose itself upon posterity. In the meantime there is no doubt that the American Carlyle is the most amiable of the trio, and The the one we would most willingly believe in. letters here edited are not only interesting, but pleasant, cheery, almost exhilarating."" Pall Mall budget, Oct.



Caylus, A.. C. P. de T., comte de. Mémoires et réflexions, impr. sur le ms, autographe, suivis de l'Histoire de M. Guillaume cocher. 1874.

Chronica de Mailros. 1835. Clarke, E. ser.)

Susanna Wesley.

(Bannatyne Cluh.) (Famous women

"Miss Clarke makes the most of her materials, and, indeed, has produced a readable and entertaining monograph out of very little." - Athenæum, Nov. 13. Coffin, R. S. Oriental harp; poems of the Boston bard. 1826.

Contre-révolution, La, démontrée nécessaire par les Jacobins de Paris dans le testament pol. de l'abbé Grégoire, qu'ils ont adopté. 1792. Cournault, C: Jean Lamour. (Les artistes célèbres.)

"A coup sûr, à moins de documents inédits que l'on n'a point encore découverts, la biographie d'un maître serrurier, vivant en province, n'est point des plus faciles à écrire, mais M. C: Cournault a su y porter avec une grande simplicité, une connaissance très approfondie de toutes les choses lorraines et une passion véritable pour son héros. Il n'en faut pas plus pour faire un bon livre." - C. D. in Les lettres et les arts, nov. Dahn, F.

Die schlimmen Nonnen von Poitiers; historischer Roman aus der Völkerwanderung (589 n. Chr.).

Dean, J. W. The printing of the Mass. and Plymouth records, and Mr. Pulsifer's connection with it.

Dearborn, Maj.-Gen. H: Journal in the Quebec expedition, 1775.

Descent of Comfort Sands, etc.. with notes on the families of Ray, Thomas, [and others]. Dicey, A. V. England's case against home rule.


"We are disposed to think that even those who disagree with the conclusions of this book will concur in conceding its extraordinary lucidity, force, and dispassionateness. Its great strength consists in its analysis and discussion of the various forms of homerule, of which Mr. Dicey rightly, we think, regards the form accorded to our self-governing colonies as, amongst dangerous oxperiments, the least dangerous for Ireland, and of their applicability and inapplica bility to the relations between Great Britain and Ireland. Perhaps nothing in the book is so strong as the discussion of federalism in its various forms, and the proof that all of them would bring the most serious dangers on the United Kingdom." -Spectator, Nov. 20. Dodge, M.. M. Les patins d'argent, [tr.] par P. J. Stahl.

Dufort de Chéverny, J: N:, comte. Mémoires sur

les règnes de Louis xv et Louis xvi et sur la Révolution; avec introd. et notes par R. de Crèvecœur. 2 v.

"Nothing could be more entertaining or instructive than this record of the whole of a long life, told with exquisite simplicity, imperturable good-humor, and perfect candour. Of course we see little of the larger aspects of the Revolution; Chéverny shows us nothing but its influence on social life; but here on his own grounds his testimony is invaluable." - Contemporary rev., June.

Dupuy, E. The great masters of Russian literature in the 19th century; tr. by N. H. Dole; with appendix.

Emerson, R. W. The method of nature; oration before the Society of the Adelphi, Waterville Coll., Me., Aug. 11, 1841.

Nature; addresses, and lectures. 1849.

Engel, I.: From Mozart to Mario; reminiscences

of half a century. 2 v.


so much brio,' and intelligence as to possess a certain slipshod quality of style - not elegant, not good, not even correct, but personal always, and in its way sufficient, facile, and telling. Mr. Engel knows a great deal about his art, and has consorted with many famous men. The score or so of 'causeries' of which these volumes are composed may be read with both pleasure and profit. His opinions concerning his art are mostly sound, and are expressed with an entertaining frankness, and the many anecdotes, novel and elderly, with which he enlivens his pages, are always briskly told, and are often well worth telling. Among the composers of whom he has treated are Berlioz, Wagner, Gounod, Rossini, Auber, Meyerbeer, and Verdi; among 'performers,' he tells of but two - Thalberg and Paganini; among singers he considers only Mario, Mme. Patti, and Mme. Christine Nilsson. In most cases, his estimate is personal; he has known the men and women of whom he writes."- Saturday review, Nov. 20. Ewing, Mrs. J. H. G. Melchior's dream; and other tales; ed. by Mrs. A. Gatty; illust. by G. Browne.

Fellow, A.Rochester, pseud. The Winnipeg country; or, Roughing it with an eclipse party; illust. Fleury, J. C. Souvenirs et portraits de jeunesse.


Galletti di Cadilhac, Mme. M. C. Our home by the Adriatic.


"Only here and there do we find a thin disguise of ap preciation; the dislike, the want of sympathy run all through the book. The home which Mme. Galletti describes is in one of the most beautiful parts of Italy. The Marches of Ancona, that lie between the Adriatic and the highest points of the Apennines. A country beautiful in itself, with a vast horizon and variety of detail. The author gives us an unfavourable view of her surroundings. She did not like them. But there is no doubt much truth in her picture." II. F. Brown in the Academy, Nov. 6.

Garden, A. A garden of grave and godlie flowers; The theatre of Scotish kings; with Misc. poems by J: Lundie. 1845. (Abbotsford Club.)

Geschichte der Kriege in und ausser Europa, vom Anfange des Auftandes der Brittischen Koloneien in Nordamerika an 1776. 1777-84. 30 v. Gibbon, C:

Clare of Claresmede; a romance. (Franklin Sq. lib.)

Gilman, D. C. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Harvard University, July 1, 1886. Girodon Pralon, F. de. Une femme.

"Le style de cet œuvre est vif, distingué, étincelant de mots qui passent comme des fusées, riche en pensées originales, etc."- Rev. pol. et lit., 27 fév. Goethe, J: W. von. par H: Blase. "This translation is remarkable, not only for its fidelity, but also for the elaborate essay on Goethe which precedes it, the learned notes it contains, and an article on the mysticism of the poem."

Faust; tr., préc. d'un essai [1840.]

Goncourt, E. L: A. and J. A. H. de.

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has been described as

"Mr. Engel's English jargon, and the description is true. But the jargon is pleasant, lively, even expressive, and is used with


hist. des ordres de chevalerie créés chez les différents peuples. 1860.

Grego, J. History of parliamentary elections and electioneering in the old days; illust. "Extraordinarily interesting as Mr. Grego's book is, attractive and extremely amusing as are its hundreds of illustrations, we must not expect from them the truth, or all the truth, and nothing but the truth. What the masses believed, or their leaders wished them to believe, and what the quidnunes of London repeated, may here be found illustrated with plenty of local colour and de. tail, and vivified by political passion, partisanship, and much personal feeling. The general accuracy of his compilation is creditable to him. There can be no question about the interest of the book." Nov. 6.

Grimm, le baron.


Lettres, souvenirs, historiettes, et anecdotes parlementaires. 1877. Grotius, H. On the origin of the native races of America; added, Treatise on foreign languages and unknown islands; by P: Albinus. 1884. (Bibl. curiosa.) Grousset, P. La bouche de fer. No. 1, 2. 1871. Hale, Rev. E: E. and S. The story of Spain. (Story of the nations.) Harrisse, H: Christophe Colomb son origine, sa vie, ses voyages, etc., d'après des docs. inéd.; étude d'histoire critique. 1884. 2 v. Hetzel, P: J. (pseud. P. J. Stahl.) Les bonnes for-tunes parisiennes. [18-]

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Esprit des femmes et les femmes d'esprit 25e éd. Théorie de l'amour et de la jalousie. [18-]

Histoire d'un prince et d'une princesse; suivie
de Voyage où il vous plaira par A. de Musset
et [Hetzel. 188-].

Les histoires de mon parrain. [188-.]
Voyage d'un étudiant. Histoire d'un homme
enrhumé. 1875.

Higginson, T: W. The monarch of dreams. Hobart, Hon. A: C:, called Hobart Pasha. Sketches from my life.

"Of the useful although unostentatious service which the Turkish fleet performed under Hobart Pasha's directions the memoir tells with spirit, distinctness, and modesty; and taken as a whole it is a deeply interesting record of a very exceptional career." - Pall Mall budget, Nov. 11.

Holland, J: History and description of fossil fuel, the collieries, and coal trade of Gr. Britain. 1841.

Howells, W: D. The minister's charge; or, The apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker.

No love lost; a romance of travel. 1869. Humphrey, Mrs. F. A. The children of old Park's Tavern; a story of the south shore. Imbert de Boudeaux, G. La chronique scandaleuse, pub. par O. Uzanne, avec préf., etc. 1879.

Innes, C. Memoir of T: Thomson, advocate. 1854. (Bannatyne Club.)

James, H: The Princess Cassamassina.

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Laya, J: L: L'ami des loix; comédie. 1793. Legend of St. Katharine of Alexandria; ed. from a ms. in the Cottonian Library, by J. Morton. 1841. (Abbotsford Club.) Letters from Donegal in 1886, by a lady felon ;' ed. by Colonel Maurice. Lorenz, O. Catalogue mensuel de la librairie française; continué par K. Nilsson. 1885. Lowell, J. R. Democracy; and other addresses. Mairet, J. Une folie,

"Une donnée très romanesque et paradoxale est traitée avec grâce, d'un style toujours aimable et délicat." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 27 mars. Mairobert, M. F. P: de. Anecdotes sur la comtesse Du Barry, pub. par O. Uzanne, avec préface, etc. 1880.

Maltitz, II. von. Die von Vahsel. 1865. 4 v. Maxwell, Mrs. M.. E.. B. The one thing needful; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.)

"We do not think Miss Braddon has for several years written anything better than the first volume of One thing needful,' nor can we recall to mind an instance in which she has disappointed expectation to the same extent as in the second." Spectator, Sept. 18. Menzies, L. L. J. Legendary tales of the ancient Britons; rehearsed from the early chronicles. 1864.

Mercure de France. Esprit du Mercure de France, [1672]-1792. 1810. 3 v.

Meteyard, E. (pseud. Silverpen). Mainstone's housekeeper.

Meyrick, Sir S: R. Engraved illustrations of ancient arms and armour; [engr.] by J. Skelton. 1854. 2 v.

Mœurs secrétes, Les, du 18e siècle, pub. par O. Uzanne, avec préface, notes, etc. 1883. Monteiro, M. Legends and popular tales of the Basque people; illust. "Some of these tales are singularly beautiful, as well as more or less original. These Basques remind one not a little of Virgil's rustics, with their love of woodcraft, their capacity for work, their relish of simple fare." St. James's budget, Nov. 20.


Norman, C. B. Colonial France.

"Little more than a codification and translation of the information about French colonies to be gathered from recent works which, as a rule he does not mention. The thirty or forty pages in which Captain Norman drags in military and naval matters neck and crop, and relates the exploits of French privateers, and other deeds of war which have little to do with his subject,are pleasant reading. Here the writer is evidently upon his own ground, and becomes as lively as elsewhere he is inaccurate and dull." Athenæum, Nov. 2.

Norris, W. E. A bachelor's blunder.

"There are many clever and striking passages in this novel." G. Barnett Smith in the Academy, Nov. 20. Phelps, W. M., and Robertson, J: F. Life and

life-work of S: Phelps; with portraits and letters from men of eminence, etc.

"Many things of the most varied interest alike to the student of the stage, and to the merest idler of the first night' at a play honse, are set down in the pages of a book which, whatever be its deficiencies, I close with a warmer feeling than that of toleration."-F: Wedmore in the Academy, Nov. 6.


"The life of one of the most famous and energetic of modern English actors. The authors have little to say for themselves, and the bulk of their book is composed of Newspaper cuttings and old play-bills. Their ac. count of Phelps the man - 'his wit and humour, his thos and his umbrella' is singularly meagre and uninteresting; their account of Phelps the actor and manager is mainly a compilation." - Sut. rev., Mov. 6. Pigeon, A. La confession de Mme. de Weyre. Un petit bijou." Rev. pol. et lit., 21 aug. Pillsbury, P. Acts of the anti-slavery apostles.


Schmidt, K:

Slavische Geschichtsquellen zur Streitfrage über das jus primæ noctis. Shakespeare, W: Much adoe about nothing; the quarto ed., 1600; a facsimile by C: Prætorius, with introd. by P. A. Daniel. Pericles; 2d quarto, 1609; a facsimile from the British Museum copy by C: Prætorius; with introd. by P. Z. Round.

Troilus and Cressida; 1st quarto, 1609; a facsimile in photolithography by W: Griggs; with introd. by Rev. H. P. Stokes. Sleeper, H: D. Songs of Harvard; collection of college songs and glees.

Spooner, L.

Letter to G. Cleveland on his false inaugural address, etc.

Stinde, J. Buchholzens in Italien; Reise-Abenteuer von W. Buchholz, hrsg. von S. Stodart, R. R. Scottish arms; a coll. of armorial

bearings, 1370-1678; reproduced in facsimile, with heraldic and geneal. notes. 1881. 2 v. Thomas, E. M. The round year.


"Miss Thotnas is not a naturalist; her temperament is poetic, and nature is more plastic to her fancy and obed ent to her call than in the case of a true observer. She writes of it as a landsman would about the ocean; she does not seem at home." -Nation, Oct. 14. Thomas, J. Cannibals and convicts; notes of personal experiences in the western Pacific. "A series of exceedingly fresh and bright sketches of life among people who have been very rarely visited. The author is an American journalist well-known over the Southern Pacific as The Vagabond' of the Argus, and in this capacity he has wandered among the Norfolk Islanders, the aborigines of New Guinea, and the French convicts of New Calidonia. He has much to tell us, in a genial and entertaining way, about all those strange folk, and his book will be found as instructive as it is interesting "— Contemporary review, Nov. Trask, W: B. Early matters rel. to the town and First Church of Dorchester, Mass. Upton, G: P. The standard oratorios; their stories, their music, and their composers.

"It gives in concise shape all points relative to the history of prominent examples of the Oratorios, with accounts of their composers, and a critical estimate of the music just the thing an amateur might wish to have as a refresher' before going to a concert. Some forty works are thus briefly reviewed."— American, Nov. 27.

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Valdés, A. P. The Marquis of Peñalta (Marta y Maria]; a realistic social novel; tr. by N. H. Dole.

"The great success of the story is in the cleverness with which the two sisters, Maria, caring perhaps for 'better things,' and Marta certainly caring better for things, are made realistic types, one of the religious, or rather theological, and the other of the human, phases of ordinary life. It is impossible to give any idea of the delicate touch by which we are made to see all the folly of Maria s self-deception without despising the girl." Critic, Nov. 20.


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Waters, R. E. C. Parish registers in England; their history and contents; with suggestions for their better custody, etc. New ed. enl.

1883. Watson, P. B. Marcus Aurelius Antonius. 1884. Willis, R. Architectural history of the University

of Cambridge and of the colleges of Cambridge and Eton; ed. with additions and brought up to the present time by J. W. Clark.

"The combination of authorship has proved a specially happy one. The late Professor Willis was quite unrivalled in that wonderful power of tracing the constructional history of a mediæval building, which makes his description of the great Benedictine monastery of Canterbury and others of his writings the best models that exist in any language for the treatment of this class of subject. The fact that the work has demanded the collaboration of Mr. J. W. Clark has resulted in a very much wider treatment of the subject than Professor Willis's scheme had ever included, and consequently in the production of a more complete and satisfactory book. This copious work combines breadth of subject with minute detail of treatment in a way which makes it a model of its kind, of value and interest alike to the antiquary, the historian, and the student of the life and manners of our forefathers.". - Sat. rev., Nov.



Wills, C. J. Persia as it is; sketches of modern Persian life and character.

"His book is utterly unaffected, full of keen observa tion, and, if anything, rather too unprejudiced in favour of European modes of thought and action. It will deepen the impression produced by Mr. Morier in favour of the Persians, yet leave, as his book also left in the heart of every reader, a prayer that it may please God speedily to terminate the existing Government of Persia. Russian conquest, English conquest, a new native government, an outburst of anarchy, anything must be better than the existing system." Spectator, Nov. 13. "These bright sketches of Persian life form a worthy continuation of the preceding volume [published more than three years ago].” — Athenæum, Dec. 11.

Aerts,, de Metz. Catalogue de la bibliothèque de M. Aerts de Metz. 1864.

Altgeld, J: P. Our penal machinery and its victims. New and rev. ed.

Anders, J. M. House plants as sanitary agents; or the relation of growing vegetation to health and disease.

Anderson, W. Pictorial arts of Japan. Pt. 4.

"His magnificent treatise, so comprehensive in de. sign and so masterly in execution, will teach the student as much as is communicable at second-hand, and place him at such a point of vantage for the work of practical research as before its appearance could only have been gained at the cost of years of travel and inquiry."- Sat. rev., Oct. 23.

Anonymous, pseud. Agnostics; their status in society and in court; are their complaints well founded?

Arpentigny, le capitaine C. S. d'. La science de la main; the science of the hand; tr. and ed., with introd., etc., by E. H. Allen. Assmann, W. Abriss der Geschichte der neueren Zeit, u.s.w.; 9e umgearb. Aufl. von E. Meyer. 1879.

Auk, The; a quarterly journal of ornithology. 1884-85. 2 v.

Barrière, T., and Thiboust, L. Les filles de marbres; drame, musique de M. Montaubry. 1853. Bassi, U. Sermon in the hospital, [put into verse] by H. E. H. King.

Belloc, A. Les postes françaises.

Benedix. Obstinacy; or, Who shall yield; comedy; [tr.]. 1864.

Bertie, P. Memoir of P. Bertie, 11th Lord Willoughby de Eresby. 1838.

Bigelow, J. The useful arts considered in connexion with the applications of science. 1840. 2 v.

Bimbenet, J: E. Fuite de Louis xvI à Varennes.


Boissier, M.. L: G. Nouvelles promenades archéo

logiques; Horace et Virgile.

"Ce qui me charme c'est d'entendre M. Boissier nous parler du poète et du poème avec une vivacité de sentiment et de passion qui s'anime et se colore singulièrement sous ce ciel et ce soleil. C'est le lettre, l'homme de goût, le critique au cœur chaud que j'applaudis plus encore que l'archéologue." · Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 10 juillet.

Boltz, A: Lehrgang der russischen Sprache; nach der Robertson'schen Methode. 1871.

Borel, P. Madame Putiphar. 2e éd., avec préf. par Claretie. 1877. 2 v.

Borys, G. (pseud. for E. Berthoud). Les paresseux de Paris. [T.] 2: La vertu de Rosette. 1873.

Bunyan, J:, pseud. The statesman's progress, etc. (Aungervyle Soc.) Burgoyne, Sir J: Rudimentary treatise on the

blasting and quarrying of stone and on the blowing up of bridges. 1862. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy. Butler, S: Luck, or cunning as the main means of organic modification; attempt to throw additional light upon C: Darwin's theory of natural selection.

"Mr. Butler misrepresents Darwin for the best of motives because he misreads him. He has erected in

his own mind, in perfect good faith, a horrible Moloch before whose greedy shrine men offer up remorselessly the just reputations of Lamarck. Buffon, and Erasmus Darwin; he has christened this hideous creation of his fancy by Charles Darwin's name attributing to it a se ries of ghastly thefts and distortions of which Charles Darwin himself was utterly incapable; and filled with righteous wrath against the Frankenstein of his own brain, he goes forth now, a biological Quixote, to wage war against the wicked giant. A most valuable, original, and suggestive contribution to current evolu. tionary thought. It is much to be hoped that biologists will read it, and will try to forget its emotional medium. Searching criticism like Mr. Butler's helps to bring into stronger relief the real differences of view between Spencer, Darwin, Lamarck, and Wallace; helps to bring out the ideas of Semper, Hering, Lankaster, and Romanes; helps, therefore to form in the end, a fuller, truer, and wider concept of evolution in all its aspects." Grant Allen in the Academy, Dec. 18. Caldecott, R. More "Graphic" pictures. Castellane, comte de.

Souvenirs de la vie militaire

en Afrique. 1879.

"Not a systematic history of the wars in Algeria, but simply a collection of narratives of episodes in them, connected by essays on the state of affairs in that country at different times. The author landed in Africa in 1843." Athenæum, Sept. 25.

Charles II., of Eng. Account of King Charles the
Second's escape from Worcester, dictated by
the king. 1883. (Bibl. curiosa.)
Chaumont-en-Bassigny. Assemblée des Trois-
Etats. Procés-verbal, 1789.

Claretie, A. A. dit J. Le beau Solignac. 1885.

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Explor. Fund.)

"A treatise, as the writer says in his preface, on the ancient condition of Palestine from the earliest recorded times to the close of the Frank dominion,' discussing the 'social condition of the inhabitants, their race-origins, languages, literature, and trade.' Captain Conder describes the object of his book as two-fold to give the results of twenty years of exploration,' and sec. ondly, as an effort to gather up the scattered learning of many scholars.' From the first point of view the book may receive almost unreserved commendation; but when he leaves his own proper department of descriptive archæology, and ventures on a domain more appro priate to the class-room of a German professor, the results are, inevitably, less satisfactory." Isaac Taylor in the Academy, Dec. 18.

Conduct of the ministry impartially examined.

[blocks in formation]

D., E. H. How to secure trade with South and Central America, Mexico, and Brazil; with official report of the U. S., South and Central American Commission, etc. 1885.

Davis, A. M. Indian games; an historical research. [From the Bulletin of the Essex Institute. Vol. 17.]

Dawson, E. C. James Hannington, 1st Bishop of eastern equatorial Africa; a history of his life and work, 1847-85.

"We have in the earlier portion of the volume an opportunity of examining in detail what sort of stuff martyrs are made of in these days. There was nothing

of the pietistic, still less of hysterical or ecstatic pietism

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