Slike stranica
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WHEREAS, by the "Fence Act," cattle running at large and

straying into lands unprotected by a lawful fence are not considered to be trespassing, so that persons wishing to protect their lands are obliged to fence the same according to the provisions of the said Act:

And whereas Railways incorporated and working under the authority of the Legislature of this Province are obliged to fence against such cattle:

And whereas Railway Companies incorporated under the authority of the Parliament of Canada, or declared by the said Parliament to be for the general advantage of Canada or for the advantage of two or more of the Provinces, do not recognize any obligation on their part to fence against such cattle:

And whereas it is just that such Railway Companies should, in the absence of proper fences, be held responsible for cattle injured or killed on their railways by their engines or trains :

Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:


1. Every Railway Company operating a Railway in this Province Railway Companies liable for damage under the authority of the Parliament of Canada shall be liable in done to stock damages to the owner of any cattle injured or killed on their Railway their railway. by their engines or trains, unless there be a fence on each side of the Railway similar to some one of the fences mentioned in Section 3 of the "Fence Act," or other fence of equal height, effectiveness and strength, and cattle guards at highway crossings sufficient to prevent cattle and

Sec. 7 of "Fence

animals from getting upon the Railway, (the cattle so injured or killed
having got upon the Railway by reason of there being no such fences, or
in consequence of some defect therein); and in construing this section
the liability of the Railway Company shall exist although the cattle
may have been running at large or may have got upon the Railway
by reason of the want of or a defect in fences from land where they
were trespassing or into which they may have strayed or from any
highway. And, further, it shall be no defence to the Railway Company
to show that the land whence the cattle got upon the Railway was
land owned by the Crown in right of British Columbia or in right of
the Dominion of Canada.

2. Section 7 of the "Fence Act" shall not apply to any dispute Act" does not apply. between the owner of any cattle and any such Railway Company.

Not liable for in- 3. No Company shall be responsible for injuring or killing cattle at juries done at high- the intersection of any highway with the Railway, unless wilfully or

way crossings.

Meaning of "Cattle."

Short title.

negligently done.

4. "Cattle" in this Act shall have the same meaning as in section 2 of the "Fence Act."

5. This Act may be cited as the "Cattle Protection Act, 1891."


Printed by RICHARD WOLFENDEN, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty.

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An Act to amend the "Civil Service Act."

[20th April, 1891.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as follows:

1. Section 22 of the "Civil Service Act" is hereby amended by inserting in line eight, between "M" and "A," the words " and except during the Summer months, when the office hours shall be such as are fixed by the Provincial Secretary."

2. Section 24 of the said Act is hereby repealed.


Printed by RICHARD WOLFENDEN, Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty.




An Act to Amend the "Companies Act, 1890."

[20th April, 1891.]

ER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legis-
lative Assembly of the Province of British Columbia, enacts as


1. On the formation of a Company under the provisions set forth in Memorandum of As-
sociation may state
the "Companies Act, 1890," the promoters thereof may state in the that certain amount
memorandum of association, in addition to the other matters required of stock is preference
by the said Act, that a portion (not exceeding one-half) of the stock of
the proposed Company shall be preference stock, either of one class
with the same privileges or of several classes with different privileges,
with any fixed, fluctuating, contingent, preferential, cumulative,
perpetual, terminable, deferred or other dividend or interest, and
subject to the payment of calls of such amounts and at such times as
the Company from time to time shall think fit.

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2. The directors of any Company already incorporated under the By-law for creating
Companies Act, 1890," or hereafter to be incorporated thereunder, preference stock.
may make a by-law authorizing the division of the existing capital stock
into ordinary and preferential stock, thereby changing any part, not
exceeding one-half of the capital stock, into preference stock, giving
the same such preference and priority as respects dividends and other-
wise over the remaining ordinary stock as may be declared by such

8. Upon the issue by any such Company of any new stock under Issue of preference
the provisions of section 23 of the said "Companies Act, 1890," the stock under sec. 23
of "Companies Act,
same may be issued as ordinary and preference stock in like manner, 1890."
and so that the amount of the said preference stock does not exceed

that of the ordinary stock.

4. The preference stock so issued shall be entitled to the preferential Nature of preference
dividend or interest assigned thereto out of the profits of each year in stock.

priority to the ordinary stock of the Company; but if at the end of

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