| William Stubbs - 1904 - Broj stranica: 484
...of Cornwall and York through Greater Britain. With 16 Illustrations and a Map. Crown 8vo., 51. net. THE CRUISE OF THE ' ALERTE ' : the Narrative of a...Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With 2 Maps and 23 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 31. 6d. Travel and Adventure, the Colonies, &c. — continued.... | |
| Jesse Maria Escreet - 1904 - Broj stranica: 346
...Voyage from London to Copenhagen in a Three Tonner. With I0 Full-page Illustrations. Cr. 8vo, 3s. 6d. THE CRUISE OF THE • ALERTE ' : the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trini dad. With 2 Maps and 23 Illustrations Crown 8vo, 3s. 6d. WHERE THREE EMPIRES MEET: a Narrative... | |
| Henry Gyles Turner - 1904 - Broj stranica: 468
...Halleson's (Colonel) History of the Ind1an Mut1ny of 1857-8. 6 vols. 3^. 6d. each. Knight's (EF) The Cru1se of the 'Alerte': the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With i Maps and 23 Illustrations, y. 6d. MESSRS. LONGMANS & CO.'S STANDARD AND GENERAL WORKS. 35 The... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1904 - Broj stranica: 886
...and Malleson's (Colonel) History of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-8. 6 vols. y. 6d. each. Knight's (BF) The Cruise of the • Alerte the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert I-land of Trinidad. With 3 Maps and 23 Illustrations, y. Qd. The Silver Library — continued. Knlglu's... | |
| Friedrich Max Müller - 1904 - Broj stranica: 234
...(Colonel) History of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-8. 6 vols. 3s. 6rf. each. Knight's (EF) The Cruise of the 4 Alerte ' : the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With 2 Maps and 23 Illustrations. 3s. 6d. Knight's (EF) Where Three Empire* Meet : a Narrative of Recent... | |
| William Henry Wilkins - 1904 - Broj stranica: 450
...Hlitory of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-8. 6 vols. y. 6d. each. Knight's (EF) The Cruise of the . Alerta ': the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With 3 Maps and 23 Illustrations. y. 6d, The Silver Library — continued. Knight'i (EF) Where Three... | |
| Louise Creighton - 1904 - Broj stranica: 494
...SOUTH AFRICA AFTER THE WAR. With 17 Illustrations. 8vo., lot. 6d. net. THE CRUISE OF THE ' ALERTS ' : the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With 2 Maps and 23 Illustrations. Crown 8vo., 31. 6d. Travel and Adventure, the Colonies, &e. — continued.... | |
| Julian Stafford Corbett - 1904 - Broj stranica: 448
...Greater Britain. With 16 Illustrations and a Map. Crown Svo., 5*. net. THE CRUISE OF THE ' ALERTS' : the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With a Map» and 23 Illustrations. Crown Svo., 31. 6i, MESSRS. LONGMANS & CO.'S STANDARD AND GENERAL... | |
| Desiderius Erasmus, Francis Morgan Nichols - 1904 - Broj stranica: 716
...SOUTH AFRICA AFTER THE WAR. With 17 Illustrations. 8vo., loj. 6d. net. THE CRUISE OF THE ' ALERTS': the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With 2 Maps and 23 Illustrations. Crpwn 8vo., 31. 6d. Travel and Adventure, the Colonies, &c.—continued.... | |
| Henry Gyles Turner - 1904 - Broj stranica: 468
...History of the Indian Mutiny of 1857-8. 6 vols. y. 6d. each. Knight's (BF) The Cruise of the -Alone': the Narrative of a Search for Treasure on the Desert Island of Trinidad. With i Maps and 23 Illustrations, y. 6d, MESSRS. LONGMANS & CO.'S STANDARD AND GENERAL WORKS. 35 The... | |
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