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Books Knjige
" Art in Heaven — is the light a-comin, sir ? " "It is close at hand. HALLOWED BE THY NAME ! " " Hallowed be — thy " — The light is come upon the dark benighted way. "
The Outlook - Stranica 320
uredio/la - 1898
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God and Man in the Light of To-day

Alexander Roy Henderson - 1907 - Broj stranica: 312
...wery good, sir." "Which art in Heaven." " Art in heaven — is the light a-comin', sir?" " It is close at hand. Hallowed be Thy Name." " Hallowed be— Thy...The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Dead ! Before you lie down to-night on your peaceful bed you will be able to say nothing better than "Our...
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Speeches of Edgar Truman Brackett

Edgar Truman Brackett - 1908 - Broj stranica: 338
...good, sir." " Which art in Heaven." " Art in Heaven — is the light acomin', sir? " " It is close at hand. Hallowed be thy name." "Hallowed be — thy—...The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Dead! Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of every...
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The Works of Charles Dickens in Thirty-four [i.e. Thirty ..., Opseg 17,Izd. 2

Charles Dickens - 1868 - Broj stranica: 638
...wery good, sir." "WmcH ART IN HEAVEN." " Art in Heaven — is the light a-comin, sir ? " " It is close at hand. HALLOWED BE THY NAME ! " " Hallowed be—...The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Dead ! Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of every...
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Bleak House: With Introduction, Critical Comments, Arguments, Notes ..., Opseg 2

Charles Dickens - 1908 - Broj stranica: 484
...wery good, sir." "WHICH AKT IN HEAVEN." "Art in Heaven — is the light a comin, sir?" " It is close at hand. HALLOWED BE THY NAME ! " "Hallowed be—...thy— " The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Deadl Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of...
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The Ohio Educational Monthly, Opseg 61

1912 - Broj stranica: 668
...that's werry good, sir." "WHICH ART IN HEAVEN." "Art in heaven. Is the light acomin', sir?" "It is close at hand. HALLOWED BE THY NAME." "Hallowed be— thy"—...The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Dead ! * * * Dead, men and women, horn with heavenly compassion in your hearts. And dying thus around us...
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Charles Dickens

Richard Burton - 1919 - Broj stranica: 328
...wery good, sir." "WHICH ART IN HEAVEN." "Art in Heaven — is the light a-comin, sir?" "It is close at hand. HALLOWED BE THY NAME!" "Hallowed be— thy—...The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Dead! Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of every...
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The Outlook, Opseg 60,Dio 1

1898 - Broj stranica: 600
...lovely retreat of the old church. " I ain't much of a hand at reading 'writing-hand.''' said Bet'.y Higden, " though I can read my Bible and most print;"...benighted way ! Dead ! ... And dying thus around us every day.1' Upon the morning of the day on which the mortal part of Dickens was laid to rest in the Poets'...
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Dickens: Bleak House

Graham Storey - 1987 - Broj stranica: 132
...that's wery good, sir.' 'WHICH ART IN HEAVEN.' 'Art in Heaven - is the light a-comin, sir?' 'It is close at hand. HALLOWED BE THY NAME!' 'Hallowed be - thy...The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Dead! Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of every...
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Dickens and the Popular Radical Imagination

Sally Ledger - 2007 - Broj stranica: 19
...wery good, sir.' 'WHICH ART IN HEAVEN.' 'Art in Heaven — is the light a comin, sir?' 'It is close at hand. HALLOWED BE THY NAME!' 'Hallowed be - thy...The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Dead! Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentleman. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of every...
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Outlook and Independent, Opseg 64

1900 - Broj stranica: 1014
...wen- good, sir." "Which art in Heaven." " Art in Heaven — is the light a-comin', sir ?" "It is close at hand. • Hallowed be thy name !" "Hallowed be—...The light is come upon the dark benighted way. Dead ! ' I cannot understand the metaphysician's definition, but I can understand " Our Father ;" even poor...
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