![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=TDBxia1W7KIC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5) | Joseph Emerson - 1830 - Broj stranica: 598
[ Ispričavamo se, sadržaj ove stranice je ograničen ] | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=6LEUAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1831 - Broj stranica: 932
...gold of Sheba : prayer also .-hall be made for him continually ; and daily shall he be praised. 18 works. 10 All thy works shall praise thee, O LORD ; and thy saints shall bless th fniit thereof shall shake like Lebanon : and they of the city shall nourish like grass of the earth.... | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=rPsVAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1831 - Broj stranica: 676
...There shall be a handful of corn in the cartl upon the top of the mountains ; the fruit thereo •hall shake like Lebanon : and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth. 17 His name shall endure forever: his name stml be continued asloiigas thesnn : and men shall be blessed... | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=5J8DAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Donald Fraser - 1831 - Broj stranica: 654
...has resulted from the efforts of the faithful servant of Jesus Christ, who has been honoured to sow " an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountain." . ,.i " .•,, We shall defer what remains to be told respecting the prosecution and success... | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=OdUTAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Henry Cogswell Knight - 1831 - Broj stranica: 278
...int'> one vast Eden, will bring forth by handfuls. In the bold language of Scripture, There shall be a handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains, and the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon. What then shall we think of it, when such fruitfulness... | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=VbkCAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Charles Simeon - 1832 - Broj stranica: 582
...a crown of life."] r Rev. ui. 21. • 1 Sam. ii. 8. DCXX. THE SUCCESS OF THE GOSPEL. Ps. Ixxii. 16. There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon...of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth, IN many parts of Scripture the typical sense is more manifest than the literal. It is so in the psalm... | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=VwQPAAAAIAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | 1832 - Broj stranica: 418
...sacrifice of praise is offered to our Redeemer by the whole intelligent creation! 16. " There shall be a handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains...the city shall flourish like grass of the earth." Rosenmueller says "The chief difficulty in the interpretation of this verse lies in the word NDS (pissa.)... | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=Lmxs3uh91hMC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Charles Lambert Coghlan - 1832 - Broj stranica: 578
...and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches of it. Lu. xiii. 18, 19. 32 The least of all seeds.] nourish like grass of the earth. His name shall endure for ever ; his name shall be continued as long... | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=zObSJZClzagC&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Charles Lambert Coghlan - 1832 - Broj stranica: 488
...Isaac sowed in that land (of Abimelccth), and received in the same year an hundredfold. Ge. xxvi. 12. There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon...mountains: the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon. Ps. Ixxii. 16. 48 He gathered up all the food, &c.] See verses 34, 35, 36. and com. And as for the... | |
![](https://books.google.hr/books/content?id=NkIEAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover&img=1&zoom=5&edge=curl) | Henry Addington Simcoe - 1832 - Broj stranica: 306
...distant, when the glorious prophecy of the Messiah's kingdom shall receive its full accomplishment. " There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon...mountains ; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon." (Psalm Ixxii. 16.) But the corn-field suggests other ideas of an equally interesting kind. It is our... | |
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