Act, under any Act of Parliament by which exclusive jurisdiction, in respect to such causes or matters, has been given to the Court of Chancery, or to any judges or judge thereof, respectively, except appeals from the County Court. Post-office Bolton directory - Stranica 233Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
| Henry J. Hood - 1885 - Broj stranica: 494
...the passing of the Judicature Acts, exclusive jurisdiction in respect to such causes and matters had been given to the Court of Chancery, or to any judges or judge thereof respectively. The expression "the Court" in this Act shall, so far as relates to estates in Ireland, mean the Court... | |
| Great Britain - 1875 - Broj stranica: 896
...matters to be commenced after the commend this Act, under any Act of Parliament by which exclusive juri in respect to such causes or matters, has been given to the Chancery, or to any Judges or Judge thereof respectivelj appeals from County Courts : (3.) All causes... | |
| Thomas Brett - 1891 - Broj stranica: 660
...commencement of the Act; and, (2) All causes and matters to be commenced after the commencement of the Act under any Act of Parliament by which exclusive...matters, has been given to the Court of Chancery or toanyjudgesor judge thereof respectively, except appeals from County Courts, comprises all causes and... | |
| Thomas Brett - 1891 - Broj stranica: 822
...causes and matters to be commenced after the commencement of the Judicature Act, 2nd November, 1875, under any Act of Parliament by which exclusive jurisdiction,...or matters has been given to the Court of Chancery. Our present task is to consider the principal statutes by which jurisdiction has been given. 752. merated... | |
| Sir Henry Wilmot Seton - 1891 - Broj stranica: 1018
...commencement of the Acts. (2.) All causes and matters to be commenced after the commencement of the Acts, under any Act of Parliament by which exclusive jurisdiction in respect to such causes, &c., has been given to the Court of Chancery, or to any Judge thereof, except County Court appeals.... | |
| Leonard Shelford, Thomas Henry Carson - 1893 - Broj stranica: 944
...the passing of the Judicature Acts, exclusive jurisdiction in respect to such causes and matters had been given to the Court of Chancery, or to any judges or judge thereof respectively. The expression " the court " in this act shall, so far as relates to estates in Ireland, means the... | |
| Thomas Henry Carson, Harold B. Bompas - 1902 - Broj stranica: 1046
...the passing of the Judicature Acts, exclusive jurisdiction in respect to such causes and matters had been given to the Court of Chancery, or to any judges or judge thereof respectively. Tho expression " the court " in this act shall, so far as relates to estates in Ireland, mean the Court... | |
| Frederick Converse Beach, George Edwin Rines - 1905 - Broj stranica: 1020
...(finally fixed for I Nov. 1875); (2) all causes and matters to be commenced after the commencement of the act under any act of Parliament by which exclusive...court of chancery, or to any judges or judge thereof, except appeals from county courts; (3) all causes and matters for the administration of the estates... | |
| New York State Bar Association - 1913 - Broj stranica: 1302
...commencement of this Act : "(2). All causes and matters to be commenced after the commencement of this Act, under any Act of Parliament by which exclusive jurisdiction, in respect of such causes or matters, has been given to the Court of Chancery, or to any Judges or Judge thereof... | |
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