A History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the General Election of 1880. Four Vols. demy 8vo, cloth extra, 12s. each. — Also a POPULAR EDITION, in Four Vols. crown 8vo, cloth extra, 6s. each. A Short History of Our Own Times. Additions to the Library - Stranica 175napisao/la Boston Athenaeum - 1887Potpun prikaz - O ovoj knjizi
 | sir Walter Besant - 1880 - Broj stranica: 404
...One Hundred Illustrations by the Author. FOURTEENTH EDITION. Vols. I. and II., demy 8vo, izs. each. History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By J USTIN M cCARTHY. "Criticism is disarmed before a composition which provokes little but approval.... | |
 | Charles Gibbon - 1880 - Broj stranica: 324
...Coloured Frontispiece and nearly 100 Illustrations, ic*. 6,/. Vols. I. and II., demy 8vo, 12j. each. History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By J USTIN MCCARTHY. " Criticism is disarmed before a composition which provokes little but approval.... | |
 | William T. Dobson - 1880 - Broj stranica: 348
...Coloured Frontispiece and nearly 100 Illustrations, 10j. fid. Vols. I. and II., demy 8vo, l2s. each. History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By JUSTIN MCCARTHY. •' Criticism is disarmed before a composition which provokes little but approval.... | |
 | Moncure Daniel Conway - 1880 - Broj stranica: 268
...Gainsborough's Diamonds: A Romance. By JULIAN HAWTHORNE. ELEVENTH EDITION. Vols. Land II., demy 8vo, i2s. each. History Of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By JUSTIN MCCARTHY. "Criticism is disarmed before a composition which provokes little but approval.... | |
 | 1880 - Broj stranica: 734
...Diamonds: A Romance. By JULIAN HAWTHORNE. THIRTEENTH EDITION. Vols. I. and II., demy 8vo, ias. each. History Of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By JUSTIN MCCARTHY. "Criticism is disarmed before a composition which provohes little but approval.... | |
 | Wilkie Collins - 1880 - Broj stranica: 330
...One Hundred Illustrations by the Author. FOURTEENTH EDITION. Vols. I. and II., demy 8vo, lot. each. History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By J USTIN MCCARTHY. " Criticism is disarmed before a composition which provokes HttU but approval.... | |
 | Dorman Bridgman Eaton - 1880 - Broj stranica: 504
...Century. By Sir JAMES MACEINTOSH. 3 vols., l'2mo, Cloth, $3 00. M'CARTIIY'S HISTORY OF OUR OWN TIMES. A History of Our Own Times. From the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By JUSTIS M'CAETHY. Vols. I. and II. in one number. 4to, Paper, '20 cents, PERRY'S HISTORY OF THE CHURCH... | |
 | Sheldon Amos - 1880 - Broj stranica: 276
...DRAPER, MD, LL.D. Crown 8vo, Cloth," $2 00 ; Half Morocco, $3 75. MCCARTHY'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. A History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By JUSTIN MCCARTHY. Vol. I.; 12mo, Cloth, $1 25. (Vol. II. Nearly Ready.) PERRY'S HISTORY OF THE CHURCH... | |
 | Shoshee Chunder Dutt - 1880 - Broj stranica: 510
...nearly One Hundred Illustrations by the Author. FOURTEENTH EDITION. Vols. L and IL, demy 8vo, i21. each. History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By J USTIN MCCARTHY. "Criticism is disarmed before a composition which provohes little but approval.... | |
 | George M F. Glenny - 1880 - Broj stranica: 314
...One Hundred Illustrations by the Author. FOURTEENTH EDITION. Vols. I. and II., demy 8vo, izj. each. History of Our Own Times, from the Accession of Queen Victoria to the Berlin Congress. By JUSTIN MCCARTHY. ** Criticism is disarmed before a composition which provokes little but approval.... | |
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